

About Us

Learn more about what a career as a Veterinarian entails.


Thank you for your interest in our Veterinary Medicine program.  We are currently working to develop and receive accreditation for this program. 

Please check back soon for more updates.  We look forward to furthering your career in Veterinary Medicine.

Begin your Career Here

If you have an interest in a career that allows you to help those who can not help themselves a career as a veterinarian may be for you. Through intensive study and a dedication to bettering the lives of our animal companions you too can become an exceptional Veterinarian. 

While studying in the beautiful  British Virgin Islands, you will be exposed to several unique species that most Veterinary students never get to work with. Along with our exceptional staff we will prepare all our students to become outstanding Veterinarians.



Our program is designed to expose students to a wide array of technological advancements in modern Veterinary Science. Through this type of preparation our students will be able to succeed in any type of clinical setting. 

We aim to provide a well rounded education that will enhance and elevate our students minds. Through team work and compassion all goals are achievable. 

We are working to partner with several qualified Veterinarians to operate as role models and teachers to our students.  Through partnerships such as these our students will become qualified and knowledgeable.


Our mission is to provide elevated care to all our animal companions. Through surgical and medical precision  we can provide proper healthcare to all. With our advanced education and clinical procedures we aim to establish a new community of well qualified and motivated Veterinarians. Our mission is to promote conservation and protection for all animals with an emphasis on continuing to heal those in need. 

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more updates