

About Us

Learn about our goals and aspirations for our new Nursing Programs.

Begin Your Career Here

Explore a career in clinical nursing. With thousands of opportunities to work as a registered nurse, no matter where you live, this is one of the best careers anyone can have. At the University of Health and Humanities Virgin Islands we have a dedicated staff prepared to help all current and future students with the huge goal of working as a registered nurse. From programs helping students receive LPN, RN, BSN and NP degrees we as a University are very determined to help grow the nursing work force. Nurses are truly the engine that pushes healthcare and for special individuals who are motivated, intelligent and passionate we believe you too could become a great nurse like many before you.   

Vision and Values

Our vision as a University is to expand the healthcare workforce through education so that nurses and other healthcare professions are well staffed and prepared for the growing need. With the aging baby boomer generation the need for healthcare workers is substantially increasing and with many people being placed on wait lists for nursing programs the demand for nurses is not being fulfilled. Many hospitals are already under staffed and desire dedicated individuals who have a passion for helping others. We believe that through our University we can train amazing individuals into becoming great providers for others.


The mission of the University of Health and Humanities Virgin Island Nursing Program is to sustain and promote health through service, dedication, compassion and education. We aim to advance healthcare by teaching intelligent and motivated individuals into becoming outstanding clinical nurses. Through our partnerships with our students we believe we can progress the field of nursing through diversity, understanding, drive and determination.