
Student Code of Conduct

Student Codes of Conduct and Social Responsibilities

At UHHVI, it is unethical for a student to refuse to participate in the care and treatment of a person based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. It is also unethical to refuse to participate in the care and treatment of a patient because of a bias or perceived medical risk to themselves.

Confidentiality of a patient’s medical record is a fundamental right. Open discussion about a patient by medical staff and/or medical students violates this confidentiality. Under no circumstances should any medical record be removed from the institution or copied. 

Conflicts of Interest
If a conflict of interest occurs, the welfare and safety of the patient must be of utmost importance at all times. A student may refuse or challenge to comply with a direct order if its implementation would be contrary to his or her own ethical standards, as long as this action would not harm the patient. At no time should a medical student accept gifts, subsidies, or any other special treatment offered by a medical or pharmaceutical manufacturer or others.

Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Drugs
UHHVI does not permit the use or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs in or around campus or at any college sponsored event. This policy applies to all social functions or events that are held in or around college buildings. Any student who is under the influence of intoxicants and fails to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner by violating recognized standards of conduct are subject to disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the school.

Campus Disruptions and Violence
Any act of violence or intimidation, theft of any property,  any unauthorized activity that prevents the normal operation of the University or inciting these actions in any way by any individual or group will not be tolerated. Action will be taken immediately, including disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the school.

Firearms and Fireworks
Possession of firearms on the college campus at any time will result in immediate dismissal from the college and/or expulsion from the campus. Possession and use of fireworks on the college campus is prohibited. Occupants of off-campus housing are subject to city, county, and state ordinances governing the use of firearms and fireworks in their domestic jurisdiction.

Gambling of all sorts is prohibited on campus.

Harassment, Sexual Harassment or Bullying
UHHVI is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy educational environment, which fosters appropriate and respectful conduct and communication between all persons within the University. Conduct that is deemed inappropriate, offensive, or disrespectful toward others will not be tolerated and may be disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the school.

Initiations and/or Hazing
UHHVI does not approve of any form of hazing or initiations.

File Sharing/Copyright Infringement
All lectures and other pertinent documentation are the copyrighted property of UHHVI. Any student sharing these lectures and documents without the express permission of the College may be subject to disciplinary action. Any student selling these lectures and documents without the express permission of the College may be prosecuted for copyright infringement.

Academic Honesty and Integrity
tudents are expected to be honest in all aspects of their college education. All work is evaluated on the assumption that the work presented is the student’s own. Anything less is unacceptable. Students are subject to disciplinary action at the University discretion. Examples of dishonest practice include but are not limited to:

Cheating – The improper use of books, notes, other students’ tests, or other aids during an examination.

Plagiarism – Submission or presentation of a student assignment as one’s own in which substantial portions are copied or paraphrased without documentation or are identical to published or unpublished material from another source (including another student’s work).

Smoking/Vaping/Use of Tobacco
Smoking, vaping, and any use of tobacco is prohibited inside all college buildings. There is an outside designated smoking area on campus.

Any student operating in his/her own interests and for purposes not directly connected with college interests is not permitted to advertise on campus without University approval.

Violations of Student Code of Conduct
Students will not plagiarize or forge documents. They will not duplicate or alter records or IDs without consent or authorization.
Selling of or soliciting the sale of goods for personal profit without proper consent is prohibited.
Violating any of the local civil and criminal laws of Tortola and the BVI is prohibited.
Violation of other published UHHVI policies, procedures, rules, and regulations, including, but not limited to:
Policy on Sexual Harassment
Policy on Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
Student Code of Conduct
Violation of published policies and procedures of other institutions while in clinical training or other activities.